A Burrito Baby is BORN! Introducing Joanna Lulu…

A Burrito Baby is BORN! Introducing Joanna Lulu…

She’s here! She’s here! We are so so so incredibly happy to introduce you to Joanna Lulu Bindernagel! Little Joey was born early last Monday morning at 6 pounds 12 ounces — and the whole world became a much cuter place!

We actually decided on her first name within a week of finding out I was pregnant, and we never once changed our minds! Joanna is named after my mom, JoAnn, who was the kindest, sweetest, strongest person I’ve ever known. It means everything to me to be able to pass along her legacy to my own daughter and to try to be as good a mom as she was. For the middle name, we wanted something fun and loved the name Lulu for that reason. The name is inspired by the spunky 1940s comic book character Little Lulu.

We’re going to document Joey’s first month with weekly photos, followed by monthly photos for the rest of the year. I can’t wait to see how she grows and changes! I also want to stop time and just hold her and stare at her and love her forever and ever! Today Joey is one whole week old.

Labor wasn’t as horrible as I expected. It was nothing like the movies with screaming and sweating and breathing weird. I was literally trying not to fall asleep between pushes. We decided to induce, so we checked into the hospital Saturday evening, started the induction meds on Sunday morning at 9 a.m., and got an epidural and had my water broken manually around 9 p.m. It was more uncomfortable and tiring than painful (the pain came afterwards!). A week later, though, I feel good. I love being able to tie my own shoes! I’m also looking forward to when I’m allowed to start exercising again.

Life with a new baby is really good. We spend A LOT of time just staring at her and cuddling with her and wanting to gobble her up! We’ve learned already that with parenting sometimes things pop up that force you to adapt and change your best-laid plans. You do what you have to do, and this little burrito is totally worth it!

I know I’m biased, but isn’t she the cutest thing ever???

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