Around town: Piccadilly Artisan Yogurt

Around town: Piccadilly Artisan Yogurt

Over the weekend Andy and I stopped by new frozen yogurt shop Piccadilly Artisan Yogurt in Cleveland’s Coventry neighborhood. This place is the cutest. They specialize in organic and vegan frozen yogurts made with local ingredients, and I love that all of the fresh fruits came from the West Side Market. I had pomegranate and pineapple frozen yogurts with pomegranate seeds, kiwi and shaved coconut on top. Yummm.

But as much as I loved the flavors, I loved the shop itself. Bright yellow West Elm-like martini side tables, silver tolix stools, white shell chairs, reclaimed wood… it was so bright, cheerful and adorable. I love when good dessert comes with good design!

I want this dining set in my house!!

Visit Piccadilly Artisan Yogurt: 1767 Coventry Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio

(at the corner of Coventry and Mayfield)

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