Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Just a quick hello from Burritos and Bubbly Land today with a few photos from the last couple of weeks. We’ve been super busy trying to finish up our guest room project, so we painted the walls last week, sanded the floor on Sunday and have been painting the floor this week. We’ll be SO happy when this room is done. This and the office are our last major projects, woo!

Sneak peek of the guest room. We’re in love with the navy and white combo in this room. I want to paint everything navy now.

Big news! I got a job! Remember how I was interning at Something White to help plan and set up for the Boutique Bridal Bazaar? They decided to hire me on permanently! I’m sooo excited. I wasn’t planning on going back to work anytime soon, but it’s going to be a great change of pace for me. Plus, I’m only working two afternoons a week, so I’ll still have tons of time for house projects and Ruby cuddles! Yesterday was my first official day on the job and they posted this photo on Instagram of me doing, what else, carrying around wedding dresses. (Um, dream job!)

Speaking of Ruby, these red eyelashes and curly whiskers kill me.

And finally, for some reason, Andy and I were both craving sweets this week, so I went nuts in the kitchen making whoopie pies for me and chocolate chip cookies for him. I’ve been on a total whoopie pie craze lately, and have made them twice in as many weeks trying to perfect my recipe. Ha!

What are you guys up to this weekend? We’ll be here painting away in the guest room. Have a wonderful weekend!!

— Kerry

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