Blogs to read: fashion

Blogs to read: fashion

I go back and forth all the time about what I’m more interested in — fashion or interior design. I really don’t think there’s any reason to have to choose. But it seems like I go in waves, where I’ll just die about some adorable dress and want to look at nothing but dresses. Or I’ll be super into decorating and want to soak up as many shots of gorgeous rooms as I can find. It depends. Right now I might be leaning towards fashion, though it’s a tight race. I’m going to start here. Oddly, I follow very few actual fashion blogs, but here are some of my favorites.

A Beautiful Mess is one of my absolute favorite blogs in any category. It’s not strictly a fashion blog by any means. Sisters Elsie and Emma tackle everything from crafting to cooking to home decorating, but I love their fashions the most. I think Elsie mirrors my own sense of style as closely as anyone I’ve seen online. Basically, we should probably be best friends. {photo} I have learned more about eyeliner from Keiko Lynn than 30 years worth of magazines ever taught me, even though mine will never look as impeccable as hers. I love Keiko’s blog because she has a lot of fun with clothes and makeup.  Plus, she wears glasses, yay! I was seriously in love with her Ray Ban glasses (above) for the longest time and even contacted the manufacturer to try to track them down (no luck).  And I mean, how can you go wrong with a girl who wears those glasses with that sweater? Seriously.  {photo} I have been reading The Cherry Blossom Girl for maybe longer than any other blog. She takes such beautiful photographs, and I especially love the photos of her hometown of Paris. I swear Alix must have the biggest closet in France. She puts together so many pretty outfits in so many different ways, and always with the most fabulous shoes. {photo}

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