Dream Packing for Europe

Dream Packing for Europe

We’re heading to Europe in just a few days(!), so of course I’ve been spending the last few weeks thinking about what to pack… and mostly what to shop for. Since I can’t afford to buy a whole new wardrobe for this trip like I want to (um, get a job, Kerry) or have the space to pack everything I own, I’ll pack a few basics and then rely heavily on my imagination for the rest. Here’s some of my dream outfits…

Our first stop is Dublin, Ireland, which of course means hanging out in pubs drinking beer. It’s going to be on the cooler side, and it’ll probably rain, so we might as well cozy up to the bar — and each other — wearing lots of layers and a cute pair of booties (these are on clearance at DSW and are super comfy! These are also my favorite jeans.)

sweaterbutton-up | jeans | boots

After a few days in Dublin, we’re taking a quick flight to Paris. Ahh, Paris. We’re SO excited to meet Paris for the first time, to wander the streets and eat our weight in bread and cheese. And of course I’m planning on wearing stripes. Lots of stripes! A military-style jacket with some feminine details will keep me warm and make me look a little cooler.

dress | flats | jacket

Our final stop is Lisbon, Portugal, for a couple of days in the sun. We’re planning on meandering the hilly streets, hopping on trolleys and eating fresh-caught seafood at sidewalk cafes, all while wearing loose layers and comfy sandals. What a way to end an amazing trip. (And now I really want this dress!)

dress | sandals | bag

Do you like to pretend pack before a trip? I think it’s so much fun to imagine all the outfits I’d wear if I could. Also, if you have any recommendations for Dublin, Paris or Lisbon, let us know in the comments!

— Kerry

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