For the love of flamingos

For the love of flamingos

So the other day I posted this photo of the flamingo hats…

And now I feel like I’m seeing flamingos everywhere. They are so much fun. They’re quirky and kinda hilarious and just the most beautiful shades of pink and coral. I’m glad that they might be having a moment in the trend spotlight!

It may have actually started with this print at West Elm, which I put in my cart about three weeks ago (ugh, when it was on sale!) but then got a case of budget guilt and never bought it. I should’ve, right? I really should have.

These shorts are A-DOR-A-BLE. { from, sold out, via Pinterest }

I love these lawn flamingos painted gold. These were for a party, but I think a few of these could be super cute in my own back yard. { via A Beautiful Mess }

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