Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

I put in my resignation at work yesterday. 10 weeks notice. I’ll leave at the end of October. No, I’m not pregnant. No, I don’t have another job…. After 12 years in the same job, my first job out of college (in fact, I was still in college when I started), it’s the only real job I’ve ever had, and quite possibly the only thing I know how to do. I’ve met most of my best friends at work, and my husband, and it’s the reason I moved to Cleveland. But this has never been my dream job. It pays the bills. It gives me lots of vacation days. Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis (early?), but I started to realize that I spend every day counting down, watching the clock, hoping the day will go faster so I can get to the weekend, saying, ugh, only 5 more days till Saturday, 8 hours until I can go home… And really? That’s not how I want to live my life. I don’t want to rush through it. I want to enjoy it and live it, every single day. And maybe I’ll find out that sitting at that desk is what I’m best at, but I’m hoping this is the kick in the butt I’ve always needed to step out of the cubicle and try something new. This is probably the scariest decision I’ve ever made, but also one of the most exciting. I think most of the truly good things in life are terrifying, but I just can’t live my life too scared to try.

Yesterday we also put a down payment on the renovation of our kitchen and two bathrooms. Gut jobs.

And construction of our new deck starts next week.

Guess who couldn’t sleep last night?

{photo of Lake Erie by me}

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