Joey Lulu, SIX MONTHS OLD!!!

Joey Lulu, SIX MONTHS OLD!!!

Joey has pretty much the best half birthday, because it’s also the Fourth of July! She’ll always have fireworks on her birthday.

This year we celebrated her first half birthday by taking her to a BBQ at our friend’s house. Hey, baby birthdays are really for adults anyway, right? She didn’t know the difference. We also celebrated by giving her solid foods for the first time! We waited until our kitchen was usable, which it is officially now (pictures coming soon!). Joey’s super suspicious of the whole eating process, but by the third day, she started to sort of get it. She was grabbing the spoon and opening her mouth to put the sweet potatoes in! I love her look below that’s like, “are you serious, I have to eat this crap?”

Joey at six months is a funny little thing. She loves to watch the world and you can just see her brain working and learning and taking it all in. She goes from giggling to crying and back again in five minutes flat, which means she totally takes after me. (Sorry Andy!) All she wants to do is sit up on her own and stand with a little help — little miss independent. She’s gotten so much stronger over the last month and has so much more control. She loves to chew on her Sophie and cuddle with her taggie (so many giraffes), and she’s still a great sleeper. Knock on wood.

It’s fun to see how much she’s changed over the last six months… and how much she looks the same. Her hair is finally starting to fill in, I swear!

Such a little sweetie. We’re so excited to see what she’ll do in the next six months!

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