My March Photo Bandwagon
So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and do an Instagram photo-a-day challenge for March. If there’s anything I love doing, it’s jumping on a bandwagon! And if you follow me on Instagram (@kerryandco), you also know I love taking a ridiculous amount of pictures of my favorite things: my cats, my shoes and my boyfriend… in no particular order.
I found a few different challenges, but this one looked a) the easiest and b) like the one most people were doing (which is important when you’re bandwagon jumping). It’s been a lot of fun to take these pictures, and I thought maybe you’d have fun seeing them, too.
March 1st: I actually think I took this one the following day, but we were out with friends at Beer Engine for Friday burgers (or grilled cheese in my case), and I looked up to see these taps hanging from the ceiling above our table.
March 2nd: we were at Bonbon Cafe for a couple of wedding-related meetings and needed a snack — cheese tray! I didn’t actually have any fruit this day, but I figure cheese is practically fruit, right? Um… don’t judge me.
March 3rd: we made our usual Saturday morning trip to the Westside Market for some staples and ice cream-making supplies, and I snapped a quick pic of the resident cow wearing his St. Patty’s Day best.
March 4th: the view from my bed. I’m really enjoying “The Tiger’s Wife” by the way.
March 5th: aww, my favorite smile.
March 6th: this photo actually came a few days late. On the 6th and 7th I was still at work at 5 p.m., so I took this last Thursday when I met up with The Girls for book club happy hour (and yes “The Girls” is a proper noun). This was a sparkling sangria and it was delicious.
March 7th: my polka dot shoes finally arrived! Only three months after I ordered them… but who’s counting? They’re adorable! I wore them to “Hump Day Hot Dog Happy Hour at Happy Dog,” also known as “Wiener Wednesday.”
March 8th: this is a window in the front room of our house, and this photo is unfiltered. We have several really amazing original stained glass windows. I love how the camera picks up on all the tiny little details in the drawing and how every pane is a slightly different shade of blue or yellow. It’s so gorgeous.
March 9th: this nail polish had seen better days. But, whatever, it’s red.
March 10th: loud — it’s what we were after a couple pitchers of ecto-cooler margaritas. We met up with friends at Villa y Zapata for the best margaritas in town, or at least the brightest, and had a great time. But, ugh, I sure didn’t feel so great the next day. I’ll share the next batch of photos with you soon!!
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