New art

New art

We had an absolutely wonderful weekend that involved ordering some new furniture for our reorganized living/dining rooms (always exciting!), visiting the brand new Cleveland Flea, and even replacing our thermostat, which doesn’t sound exciting but our old one had been stuck at 68 for about six months. Oh, and we bought a new car. No big deal.

At the Cleveland Flea, we bought some new art for our rumpus room by Rachel Jernigan/Hawaiio Designs. (Forgive the not-so-great photos — the light was really bad.) We were both impressed by the talented vendors at the Cleveland Flea, where I also bought a pair of really pretty earrings. When we saw the Hawaiio booth, we knew we wanted something right away and while there were lots of great pieces to choose from, we kept coming back to this one. I love how nostalgic this is, so ’70s Hawaii cool, and the orange colors look so good against our teal walls.

This piece also feels a little like “home” to me, even though I’ve never lived in Hawaii! When I was little my family travelled to Hawaii a lot, so it’s in my blood. My parents loved to tell a story of me at four or five years old coming out of my room with my suitcase and announcing, “I’m going home to Hawaii!” In my suitcase I had packed just my bikini.

I guess I was over living in Alaska.

Art is one of the things I really want to work on in our house. For all the years we’ve lived here, our walls have been mostly bare as we’re still trying to figure out exactly what we want to do. Wow, we are really slow decorators! Sometimes it’s hard to decide what we want to commit to looking at every day, and even more what holes we want to make in our old crumbly walls. Art makes such a huge impact, though, and brings so much life to a space. Just this one piece gives a whole new vibe to this room. It’s suddenly a lot more cool, and it really makes me want to start adding fun new art to the rest of our house.

Or just move to Hawaii.

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