Our Home-Tour To-Do List
There are six weekends before the Ohio City Home Tour on May 16th.
I’m pretty sure I’ll sleep for a week starting May 17th!
It’s going to be a crazzzzzy few weeks trying to get a bunch of things done around the house, but we have a good start on our to-do list so far. This weekend was full of painting, sanding, installing, organizing, buying wood, hanging new curtains … cutting Andy’s hair. Um, why not?
So here are some of the bigger projects on our list…
1. Hey look! It’s our new nautical guest room and I loooove it! Left to do: details like hanging art, rearranging furniture and organizing my craft supplies … or, you know, shoving all the craft stuff in the closet and calling it done
2. Oooh, our laundry area is almost done too, and, you guys, it’s awesome. I don’t want to show you the whole thing yet, so just you wait! Left to do: not much.
3. The office, on the other hand, isn’t looking so good. Don’t worry, this sad desk situation is totally temporary. We’re building a pretty new desk from scratch. Also left to do: window coverings, a lot of organizing, and fun stuff like decorating (I have soooo many ideas!).
4. At the beginning of the year we ripped up all the carpet in our second-floor hallway to repair the floorboards. New carpet is ordered, paid for and getting installed soon. Also left to do: repainting the walls, which is my project for today.
5. Speaking of painting, remember this picture of our entryway? So.Many.Colors. Well, we’ve finally picked one … and I’m not telling you yet what it is. Left to do: paint it!
6. Our backyard. It’s bad. Left to do: um, something? anything? not a barren wasteland? Anyone know a landscaper who’s available like immediately? (I’m serious.)
So six projects for six weekends… Plus about a million other little things, but who’s counting? Honestly though, I love seeing all these projects coming together and I’m so excited for the home tour. By the way, tickets are on sale now!
— Kerry
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