Simple kitchen herb garden DIY

Simple kitchen herb garden DIY

I have wanted a little kitchen herb garden for a long time, so this weekend Andy helped me make some simple shelves to hang next to our big kitchen window (and let’s be honest, he did almost all the work). We wanted to share our project with you in honor of Earth Day today. Home gardening is such a great way to help the environment — and your budget. When we have to buy herbs at the grocery store, we inevitably end up throwing away most of them, but now we’ll be able to just snip some from our own garden. We’ll be eating more healthy — and our kitchen looks way cuter, too! This project was really easy and I absolutely LOVE how it turned out.

Supplies: one 8 inch wide board cut down to 20 inch sections; clear sealant and a brush; drill and screws; fine sandpaper; pots for the plants; and of course whatever herbs you want.

We had an 8-inch wide board cut down to three 20-inch-long pieces at Home Depot. Then Andy used his saw to cut one of the pieces in half lenghwise. This narrower piece was then used as the back part of the shelf.

I sanded all the pieces to make sure we wouldn’t get any slivers. Then Andy used a drill to screw the two pieces together to form an “L” shape.

Ideally we would have then brushed on a couple of coats of clear sealant, but honestly we just ran out of time and decided to hang it on the wall as-is. Yeah, I’m totally impatient! So we’ll do that another day.

Andy drilled the shelf directly onto the wall so it will be nice and stable.

We picked up six 4-inch metal buckets last time we were at Ikea, so I simply dropped the herbs directly into them still in their own pots, so the plants are able to drain. Someday, when they outgrow their current pots, we might drill holes in the bottom of the metal buckets and replant the herbs.

Our kitchen herb garden looks better than I ever even imagined and I love they way our kitchen smells! We chose basil, cilantro, peppermint, rosemary, thyme and chives.

I love that we’ll be able to use this garden year round. It’s still too cold to plant anything outdoors (we had snow on the ground on Saturday!) but indoors these herbs are already ready to eat.

I am so excited to start cooking with our brand new kitchen herb garden!!

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