The Fine Print

The Fine Print

Except where indicated, all images, content and layouts are the property of Burritos and Bubbly. Feel free to share content or images from Burritos and Bubbly, but ALWAYS include proper credit and link back to the original post. If you ever notice an image that we didn’t properly credit, please let us know so we can fix it right away!

We love comments and would love to hear from you! We’re open to your opinions, but any comment that we find inappropriate will be removed at our discretion — including but not limited to spam, offensive language, self-promotion or being mean. So don’t be a jerk and we can be friends, ok?

We are not professional contractors/electricians/plumbers, etc., so all of the projects we share are for entertainment value only and should not be regarded as the “correct” way to do something. Seek out the help of a professional if you’re going to try something yourself.

Some posts may include affiliate links and/or sponsored content, which means we may receive a small payment if you click on and/or purchase something from a link you find on Burritos and Bubbly. We really appreciate your support of the sponsors who allow us to run Burritos and Bubbly.

We do not share personal information with third-parties nor do we store information we collect about your visit to for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at anytime by modifying your Internet browser’s settings. We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this blog on other Web sites or media without our permission. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice.

Phew! That’s a lot. Now grab a glass of bubbly, have fun, and don’t forget to say hello!! If you have any questions, please email us!

— Kerry and Andy

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