These brands get me

These brands get me

We got a ton of work done on our master bath this weekend, so expect a post all about it later this week. In the meantime, I wanted to take a minute to talk about how much I loved some of the catalogs I got in the mail this past week. There are some brands that season after season I just say, “are you kidding me???” when, once again, it feels like they’re drawing inspiration from right inside my brain. I have no idea how they do it, but it’s almost kind of ridiculous how much they get me.

I’ll be honest, we get about a zillion catalogs in the mail every day and I throw almost all of them in the recycle bin without even glancing at them. This month, though, something on both the CB2 and West Elm catalogs caught my eye and, wow, I am so impressed by both of them. Not only are the styles at both companies what I’m loving right now (stripes! pink!), but the catalogs are practically magazines, complete with DIY projects and feature articles. I love it.

(screenshot from CB2’s January catalog)

(screenshot from West Elm’s January catalog)

Have you seen the latest catalogs from these brands? What are your favorite things? Are there any other brands that seem to be really in tune with you?

(For me, also, Kate Spade!)

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