Well, Hello August!

Well, Hello August!

Can you believe it’s August already? Holy moly. I kind of feel like this is the summer that never was. Besides that the fact that it is flying by, it’s only 66 degrees out as I write this! Um. I seriously caught myself thinking a few minutes ago that I could almost turn the heat on! And then I remembered it’s the middle of summer. Technically. (It’s supposed to warm up to “normal” this weekend.)

It’s been a good month, though. The to-do list for July that we shared with you at the beginning of the month had “paint our living room white,” which is done; “start refinishing our office floor,” which is now on August’s to-do list; “get the exterior of our house painted,” which got postponed by our painter (maybe September now??); “take lots of bike rides” and “eat lots of ice cream,” well, we definitely got the ice cream part done!

The big thing we did this month was say goodbye to our pink walls and paint our living room white. It was a hard choice, one that probably took a year to really sink into enough to actually do it, but I’m so glad we did. I love the way the light bounces around the room and makes the whole first floor feel brighter.

Andy shared his recipe for vanilla bean ice cream with a bourbon caramel sauce. This stuff is SO GOOD. You definitely need to make some for yourself.

We used our wedding programs to make an adorable mirror, and we made a giant cactus that I’m so in love with!

We shopped for outdoor lighting, looked at inspiring office spaces, and started an exercise program. We also broke our treadmill which is a whole other story…

So what’s in store for August?

Besides trying to fix our treadmill, our big plan for the month is to get started on refinishing the office floors, which need a good sanding and then repainting. Our laundryroom/pantry has been mid-project for months, so we want to (finally) build a countertop to go over the washer and dryer. We also need to put some finishing touches on our newly painted living room, like art and lighting and curtains and all that fun stuff. Plus, it’s my birthday month, yay!! So I should probably figure out how I want to celebrate!

August looks like it’s going to be fun. What are you doing this month?!

— Kerry

(Print on the to-do list by Anna Deegan)

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