What’s making me happy today

What’s making me happy today

It really does feel like we have a new house, now that our renovations are coming to an end — at least on the first floor. I was planning a different post for today, but when I walked into my kitchen this morning it made me so ridiculously happy, I just have to share a few photos.

Our soapstone countertops are gorgeous.

Seeing dishes in our cabinets is the BEST thing ever! No more paper plates!! (We’re about half unpacked, but we have the important things.)

Andy installed our new kitchen pendant light last night and I am MADLY in love with it.

And here’s our new guest bath. Love it!

Last week was a rough week, with lots of noise and mess and, ugh, all those boxes, but Andy and I worked nonstop all weekend painting, unpacking, hanging that amazing pendant in the kitchen, and even some crafting! Even though I’m still staring at a wall of boxes, I’m feeling So Much Better. When things start to come together, all of the stress and dust is totally worth it. And I’m so happy with our “new” house!

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