Getting Over the Hump

Getting Over the Hump

It’s one of those weeks, where I’m feeling so un-inspired and so un-motivated and so like I just don’t want to do anything (besides eating nutella-chocolate-chip-brownie muffins). It’s cold. It’s grey. It keeps snowing. We haven’t been able to finish any projects lately because no one wants to walk outside in zero degrees to the unheated garage to use the table saw. I was actually going to skip writing any blog posts this week, not so much by plan, but more just because I have nothing to say. So maybe what we all need is a little kick in the butt to get ourselves over this late February hump. Maybe what we need is a dose of sunshine and tropical breezes and, even though it’s all totally virtual, just a reminder that good (warm) days are ahead.


(Coco + Kelley)

(SMP Living)

(A House in the Hills)

Feeling better?


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