Hello there, November
I have to say, I’m pretty glad to see October go. It was a great month, don’t get me wrong. We went to Italy! Holy moly. I’ll remember that trip for my whole life. But this week, the last few days, it’s been rough. I never thought I’d see a hurricane in Cleveland, and I hope I never have to see another one. While we’re extremely lucky that our house suffered no damage and it’s nothing compared to what a lot of people are going through, it was scary here. So so so scary. I’ve never seen anything like the winds and waves we experienced on Monday night. My heart goes out to all of the people here and especially on the East Coast who are still picking up the pieces, who can’t go home. It’s heartbreaking. We’ve had nothing but rain and wind for days on end, but today, on the first day of November, the sun came out. I think November’s going to be a good one…
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