The search is over!

The search is over!

Now it’s probably no secret that I pretty much love everything West Elm does. I just happened to visit their site a couple days ago, like I do at least once a week to look around, and I saw this…

Blocked Tulip Duvet Cover from West Elm

Eeek! I love it. Tulips are my favorite! Yellow and grey are my bedroom colors! It’s perfect. I gasped out loud, showed it to Andy, and declared that I will be buying this ASAP. At $89 for the king size, it’s also a pretty good deal. So what I thought was turning out to be an impossible search for a duvet cover I like and can afford is finally over. Phew.

The new summer collection at West Elm is all great. I recommend checking out Will at Bright Bazaar’s post about it, because he always makes everything look fantastic. I love all the crisp blues and whites. I kinda wish I would have planned more of those colors in my own home.

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