Vintage-inspired swimsuits

Vintage-inspired swimsuits

I’ve decided to buy a new bathing suit this year. I have a few bikinis, but lately I’ve been really into the idea of a one piece. A one-piece doesn’t have to be boring or old lady-like, and you don’t need to wear one just because you have something to hide. The right one can be downright sexy, especially when it’s vintage-inspired. Think Marilyn Monroe or Esther Williams. Plus, sometimes you just want to hang out at the beach without worrying about your top falling off!

I’ve looked at hundreds of bathing suits over the last few days, and here’s a few of my favorite retro-inspired one-pieces.

top row, left to right: Anthropologie | Boden | Target
bottom row, left to right: Modcloth | Asos | Target

I’d pair my retro bathing suit with a giant floppy hat, metallic sandals, and of course some cat eye sunglasses (these are so fun with little sparrows along the top).

swimsuit: Anthropologie | hat: Target | sandals: Asos | sunglasses: Asos

For more inspiration, check out this slideshow of Miami’s bathing beauties from 1910-1969.

What do you think… would you wear a one-piece or are you a bikini girl forever?

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