Author: admin

Well, Hello August!

Can you believe it’s August already? Holy moly. I kind of feel like this is the summer that never was. Besides that the fact that it is flying by, it’s only 66 degrees out as I write this! Um. I seriously caught myself thinking a...

Don’t Throw That Grill Out

A few weeks ago we were having some serious problems with our grill. We were trying to make some salmon burgers, and flames from the grill kept shooting out through the temperature knobs. It seemed pretty dangerous, and it was also damaging the grill. After a...

Choosing outdoor lighting (that’s cute)

Before the exterior of our house gets painted, we want to replace the flush-mount lighting on our front and back porches. Our current lights are forgettable at best, especially the light on our back porch that our painter called “a cheap 1970s special.” Embarrassing. Of course after he said...

Our Baby Announcements

After Joanna was born, I was really excited to design her birth announcements. I’m no graphic designer by any means, but I got inspired by hand-drawn magazine covers that I saw on Pinterest, like this and this, and decided to see what I could do myself. Actually, I started to plan...

Blogs to read: the best of the rest

There are a bunch of blogs I read that don’t really fit into any of my other categories … a little of this, a little of that, a lot of fabulousness … However you want to define them, these are really some of my all-time...

2011 challenge

Ugh. Somehow I got out of the habit of keeping… Read More We’re still doing a great job of plugging along on… Read More We had an amazing stretch of nice warm weather last… Read More Ooh, so much cooking this week! OK, so we actually… Read More I...

Our House: One Year In

Whoa. We just realized we bought our house a whole year ago. Happy house-iversary to us! I’m making it my goal over the next couple of weeks to take photos of EVERY ROOM, even the ones that we haven’t started at all, to take you on an...

Our house, the first floor

Hi guys! Hope you had a great weekend. We took it really easy, didn’t do much, and didn’t even really work on ANY projects, which is so unlike us, but kind of nice for a change. We have four projects that we’re in the middle of,...

Living in a construction zone

Living in a construction zone is weird. Everyone warned us ahead of time that renovation of our kitchen and two bathrooms was going to be an awful couple of months, but it really isn’t that bad, as long as you’re willing and able to adapt your...

Half-Bath Progress Report: Phase Two

Hi guys! We hope you had a great weekend! We had so much fun. We drove up to Ferndale, Mich., to visit one of my best friends for her 40th birthday. She had a bounce house!!! We bounced, ate donuts in the middle of the night,...