Valentine’s Day heart nails tutorial

Valentine’s Day heart nails tutorial

I don’t usually get real fancy with my nails, but sometimes it’s fun to try something new and different. So when I saw a tutorial for heart nails on The Beauty Department that looked easy enough, I decided to try it out in my own way. It’s the cutest thing for Valentine’s Day, and if I can do it anyone can!

Here’s what you do: 1. Paint your nails all over with a base of whatever color you’d like. I chose this light pink (essie “cascade cool”) because it’s a light enough shade to then put another color on top of it. I actually did this coat the day before just to make sure it was good and dry. 2. Cut a piece of washi tape an inch or two long, fold it in half and cut a half heart. Just like elementary school, you end up with a simple symmetrical heart when you unfold it. Make sure you make the heart really small. I have super tiny fingers, so I had to do this twice before I made a heart small enough to even fit on my nails. 3. Put the heart stencil over your nail and push down to seal it all the way around. I found that one good push in the middle was good enough. 4. Use your second color of polish to paint over the heart stencil. As you can see, I kinda slopped it on and there wasn’t any bleeding under the tape. I went with a bright red for Valentine’s Day. This is my very fancy Italian nailpolish (aka the one I got for free when buying a pair of tights in Venice). 5. Peel off the tape right away and voila, a heart! The good thing about the washi tape is that it peels off really easily without messing up the color underneath or leaving a sticky residue behind. I picked mine up at JoAnn for just a few dollars and use it for a lot of projects around the house. 6. I would recommend following up with a topcoat after everything dries. I always skip this step and regret it.

They’re so cute! Yeah, they’re not perfect… I was way off center a few times, and I totally smudged a couple nails because I can’t sit still to let them dry. But whatever, I’m happy, it was fun, and every time I look at my hands for the next few days, they’ll make me smile. 🙂

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