Burritos and Bubbly – Home Improvement, Design & Family

Keds + Kate Spade!

Whoa! Stop the presses! I’m way behind on this news, and I have no idea how I missed it. I just found out that two of my favorite brands ever — Keds and Kate Spade — are collaborating on a line of shoes for spring. ...

Pompom flower bouquets

I mentioned the other day that my monthly book club meeting happened to fall on Valentine’s Day. I wanted to make something special for the girls who would be there, just for fun, and I decided to make them each a little pompom flower bouquet....

Cardboard weed barrier

Yesterday we told you how we’re really excited to have our first backyard garden. What we didn’t say is that we’ve actually grown a lot of things in our back yard before … weeds. Womp womp. We may live in Ohio, but our yard has been...

Flush-Mount Lighting (That’s Cute!)

One of our first projects for the new house is to replace the lighting. As in, every single light in the house needs to eventually be replaced. What’s there now is fine but not our style … dark finishes, some ceiling fans that are too big and...

All the Things I Want to Buy When I Can Buy Things

No-Spend August is coming to an end in just a few days, eek, so we’ll have a big update next week all about how it went and what we learned. But in the meantime, I just can’t help but think about ALL the things I...

Here’s 2019’s Home & Cabin To-Do Lists!

It’s annual to-do list-making time, woowoo. (I LOVE to-do lists if you didn’t know! Andy… not so much, ha.) We start every year by creating a general guideline for the projects we are hoping to tackle. I think it’s so nice to have an idea...

Baby’s Room 12-Week Challenge: Week Nine

37 weeks — we made it! Though we have three weeks to go until baby’s due date on August 9, at 37 weeks he is considered sort of full term (depending on who you ask — some doctors say 39 is full, but my doctor...

Kerry’s birthday wishlist

Ok. This post is kind of selfish. But it’s my birthday month so that’s allowed. Andy and I don’t do gifts for each other because we like to plan birthday vacations instead. This year we went to Ottawa for Andy’s birthday, and we’re leaving for Europe only a...